Lucka 3: Att arbeta med globala mål på riktigt
Norgårdenskolan har haft en vänskola i Uganda under flera år, Kasana Junior School. Eleverna på Norgården har genomfört olika former av insamlingar och dagsverken för att bistå sin vänskola med pengar. Pengarna har hjälpt vänskolan att uppnå hela fyra globala mål.
Med hjälp av pengarna har vänskolan fått rent vatten, renoverade skolbyggnader, mat och ordentliga examensprov, vilket har ökat elevernas närvaro, hälsa och resultat. Norgårdenskolan fick tidigare i höst en hälsning från Uganda med en rapport om vilka globala mål som blivit verklighet med hjälp av Norgårdenelevernas stöd.
- Ur ett elevperspektiv så får det våra elever att inse att man inte kan ta allt för givet men också hur en liten insats från dem själva kan hjälpa en hel skola, alltså att 80 kr om dagen räcker för att skolans 400 elever får mat! Nu i coronatider så har också skolan kunnat lära eleverna göra tvål. Det här har vi också hjälpt skolan med. Fortfarande är malaria ett större problem än vad corona är och nu är de mitt i ett maktskifte så det är väldigt oroligt i landet, säger Helena Hibell som är förstelärare och projektkoordinator.
Nedan kan du läsa en redögörelse av Kasana Junior Schools rektor Abbey för hur de fyra globala målen uppnåtts. Om du vill veta mer om Norgårdenskolans arbete, kontakta gärna
"For the past years you have been supporting our school in many ways, from clean water to feeding our students. Our community, school, teachers and students are always grateful and thankful for your support. With your support more than 1000 students’ lives have been impacted for better. The school came from having about 50 students to 400 now this is all because of your support. Our school is able to stand because of you and your support, without your support Kasana Junior School cannot stand.
Through your support you aid in reaching the global goals, ie:
- clean water and sanitation.
- zero hunger,
- quality education and
- good health and wellbeing
Clean water and sanitation
At the beginning of our cooperation at the school we used get water from a pond where even animals used to drink from; Dirty water is the major cause of children’s illness and death, many students used to get sick and miss schools. From the day we got clean water with your support, our students stopped getting sick and getting water born diseases. In Uganda many people die daily of various infections, including diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, typhoid, ebola and marburg fever; this stopped at our school because you provided us with clean and safe water.
Zero hunger
Extreme hunger and malnutrition remains a huge barrier to development in many countries. There are 821 million people estimated to be chronically undernourished as of 2017, often as a direct consequence of environmental degradation, drought and biodiversity loss. Over 90 million children under five are dangerously underweight. Undernourishment and severe food insecurity appear to be increasing in almost all regions of Africa, as well as in South America.
Most of the students used to come to school when they haven’t eaten and this was very hard for them to focus during classes and many of the students where under weight. With your intervention now all of the students get lunch at school which had helped in improving their lives health wise and they are sure of a meal every day. By supporting us with lunch for students you help in achieving world global goals “Zero hunger”
Quality education
Knowledge is power and education empowers. Nelson Mandela has quoted, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.'' This statement highlights the importance of education as an indispensable part of the development equation of the citizens and their countries. It has an intrinsic value which extends far beyond the economic issues. Not only it empowers students to determine their fate, it is the central to the advancement of human development.
For the students to acquire quality education is a combination of many things like: class room environment, test assessments, teachers and school environment. With your help you have been able to help our students get quality education. You helped is with class room renovations and setting up one class room, fund the school assessment exams time to time, feeding the students which improved the school environment.
Good health and wellbeing
Since your help the health and wellbeing of our students improved a lot, for the students to have good health it is a combination of many things like clean water, health meals, good class environment and the relationship they have with their teachers. With your work the global goal of good health and wellbeing is achieved; you provided is with clean water thus removing water born diseases, you have are providing lunch for our students which improved their health, and for the students who are orphans you provided them with beds to sleep on; with the issues of beds, students used to sleep on the floor and many bugs that causes diseases used to make them sick but when you got us beds for them, they no longer get infected.
With all of your support towards us has improved the health and wellbeing of our students.
As you have seen in the above points, your help has helped here to reach some of the Global Goals, without you Kasana Junior School cannot stand, you are the arms and legs of the future lives of our students. We thank you for your support and love.
School Head Teacher"
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Publicerad 21 juni 2022